Doubt will always create a mountain and faith will tunnel through it.
Age has been perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth.
They must either stand up and be counted, or lie down and be counted out.
Those who fail to prepare should be prepared to fail.
To achieve, you have to believe.
Nobody travels on the road to success without a puncture or two.
To err is human - but not too often.
Penny and penny will make many.
Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.
It is tiny droplets of water that make a shower. He's believing his doubt and doubting his belief.
Keep feeding your faith until your doubts starves to death.
Next to good judgment, diamonds and pearls are the next rarest thing.
Patience is the greatest of all shock-absorbers.
Speed has little to do with your progress - it is more to do with direction.
Strength grows in the garden of patience.
Part of Dream Weave Walk